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WVUL Collections Decisions Summary & FAQ

FY24 Overview

The Libraries will be reducing purchasing and subscriptions to scholarly and classroom information resources. In fiscal year 2024, the Libraries is reducing spending on collections by 8%. Personnel expenses have been reduced by 7% so far with further reductions (likely an additional 3-5%) to be realized by attrition throughout the year. General operating expenses have been reduced by 30%. 

 We are aware that these reductions will impact WVU faculty and students, and we will minimize that as much as possible by examining content that overlaps with existing resources or is readily available through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Other criteria evaluated in making these decisions include usage data, cost per use, and centrality of the content to the discipline. The collective impact of the reductions across disciplines will also be considered and will be as equitable as possible.   

The evaluation process will begin immediately as numerous invoices are due for renewal or cancellation in the coming months. Faculty and researchers should leverage the interlibrary loan service for items the University does not own and seek the assistance of their liaison librarians to identify existing library collections and low-cost alternatives.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Question: Are the Libraries only cutting materials/collections? 

Answer: The Libraries is reducing spending on collections by 8%. Personnel expenses have been reduced by 7% so far with further reductions (likely an additional 3-5%) to be realized throughout the year. General operating expenses have been reduced by 30%. 

Question: How are titles selected for review, renewal and/ or cancellation? 

Answer: The Libraries reviews all titles, but to achieve our target reduction for FY24 we are focusing on continuing resources or what are more commonly known as major subscriptions to databases and journals.  In FY23, over 87% of the Libraries materials budget was allocated to subscription costs alone. The review process is ongoing, approximately 90 to 120 days prior to a resource’s renewal date. Each resource will be evaluated by both the library’s subject matter expert, I.e., liaison librarian, and the Collections Advisory Committee. Guiding principles influencing if a resource is renewed or cancelled are as follows:  

Here is a list of titles impacted by the budget reduction.

Question: How can I get access to titles once they have been cancelled?  

Answer: The Libraries’ Interlibrary Loan service can be used to request most materials that the libraries do not own. Most journal articles are electronically delivered directly to you at no charge usually within 1 to 2 business days.  

A number of journal titles are available through other full text aggregator databases such as Academic Search Complete or ProQuest Central. To see the sources that provide online access to a title, please use the Journals search. 

You should seek the assistance of your liaison librarians to identify existing library collections and low-cost alternatives. 

Question: Is the Libraries purchasing new materials?  

Answer: We encourage the WVU community to submit our Suggest a Purchase form that will be regularly monitored. When considering purchases, we take into account our collection scope, the cost of the resource, and budget restrictions to ensure that we provide materials that align with the needs and interests of our WVU users. 

Question: How does the Libraries plan to contain costs while sustaining access to critical resources and collections over time?  

Answer: The Libraries engages in multiple activities that help contain costs while maintaining access to key resources, including:  

Question: How can WVU faculty, students, and the community help reduce the cost of library materials? 

Answer: The WVU community is encouraged to seek out small yet impactful opportunities that can collectively transform the current academic publishing landscape. Potential strategies include:  

Question: Who should I reach out to if I have additional questions or concerns? 

Answer: If you need assistance with locating a specific resource, please direct questions to the Libraries’ Ask a Librarian chat service.  

Feedback regarding specific cancellations or cuts may be directed to Jessica Vanderhoff, Assistant Dean of Strategy, Planning, & Impact.