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Open Access Research Publishing

Open Access (OA) refers to free, immediate, permanent, online access to digital full-text scientific and scholarly material, primarily research articles published in peer-reviewed journals. There are limited copyright and licensing restrictions on open-access articles, meaning that anyone with Internet access may read, download, copy, and/or distribute them. A primary advantage to authors who make their articles openly accessible is that their research impact is maximized due to a wider audience.

Resources for WVU Faculty

WVU Open Access Agreements

The current list of publishers we have agreements with is in the following table.

Our agreements only cover open access publishing fees not other fees related to publishing, such as page overage charges or color charges.  

Only current students, staff and faculty (including emeritus) are covered by the agreements. Students who graduate before their article is published should list an advisor or other WVU affiliated researcher as the corresponding or co-corresponding author to avoid potential disqualification.

Publisher Eligible Authors Publications
American Chemical Society (ACS)
WVU Corresponding Author
See ACS Agreement
Cambridge University Press WVU Corresponding Author
All CUP journals (does not cover select article types; see covered article types)
Company of Biologists WVU Corresponding Author   All Company of Biologists journals
WVU Corresponding Author
IOP, Gold and Hybrid journals
Public Library of Science (PLOS)
WVU Corresponding Author
All PLOS journals

WVU Library Support for Open Access 

Some publishers make your work open by default,WVU Supports two such efforts:

Reduced Author Fees