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Giving for a Lifetime

Establish an Endowment

Establishing an endowment is one way to ensure funds are available annually for a particular need. Endowments can be designated by the donor to support WVU Libraries resources for a specific program within the University or to remain unrestricted to meet the most critical needs. When naming the endowment, a donor may choose to create it in their own name or to honor a loved one or a favorite professor.

Leave a Legacy

Many choose to look toward the future by including a bequest in their will. There are multiple planned giving options. A bequest could be used to create an endowment or to direct funds to a particular area of interest. There are multiple methods to fund a bequest. Learn more about making a gift through a will or living trust by visiting WVU Foundation Planned Gifts.

However you choose to help WVU Libraries, it will be greatly appreciated. To discuss making a donation, creating an endowment or writing a bequest, please contact Paula Martinelli at  304-293-0303 or