WVU Libraries welcome and encourage gifts of books and materials for the Libraries that support the University’s curriculum and research objectives.
The Libraries review gift volumes for retention. Needs of the collection, individual subject collecting practices and physical condition are all factors in retention decisions. Items in poor physical condition will not be retained except by prior special arrangement with the West Virginia & Regional History Center.
The Libraries do not accept conditions with regard to the processing, retention or housing of gift items. The Libraries may add items to the collection, sell or dispose of items in accordance with University policy, or donate items to other libraries if more appropriate for another collection. Proceeds from the sale of donated materials which are not added to the collection will support the acquisition of new library materials.
Because the Libraries do not accept conditions as to retention or treatment of individual items or collections, the Libraries encourage individuals to contact the Collections Strategist or the West Virginia & Regional History Center directly in cases of unusual gifts or large collections needing individual attention. Gifts appropriate to the Libraries’ circulating collection are evaluated by the Collections Strategist. Gifts appropriate to the rare books or special collections are evaluated by the West Virginia & Regional History Center.
Contact the Collections Strategist at librarycollections@mail.wvu.edu or 304-293-9755.
Contact the West Virginia & Regional History Center about giving historic documents, maps, photographs, books, and other items related to West Virginia or the region.
The Libraries encourage donors to consider, for their own interest, obtaining an appraisal of their gifts for income tax purposes prior to donation. The Libraries do not create or retain a listing of donated items and will not be able to provide information other than the number of items donated.
To be accepted, all gifts must fall within the guidelines of the Libraries’ collection development policies. Some basic guidelines are listed here:
- Print journal issues are not added to the collection when access to the same content is available in an online format. Back issues of print journals are generally not added to the collection with the exception of rare materials or issues that fill a gap in our holdings.
- Textbooks are not routinely added to the collection, except in response to specific faculty requests. Gifts of textbooks currently used by a WVU course will be added to the Shining Minds collection.
- Mass market paperback or trade paperback editions are not added to the collection, except in cases where it is the only edition available in print. Exceptions are made for titles appropriate to one of the leisure reading collections.
- In general, the Libraries do not retain duplicates or items in poor condition.