Computers and Laptops
Login Help
- Students registered for the current semester, current WVU faculty and staff members, and registered resident/nonresident borrowers may log in to use library computers.
- WVU students, faculty, and staff log in using their WVU Login username and password.
- Library authentication is simply a yes/no verification and is not intended to track or monitor the applications used or internet sites visited by a particular user.
- Guest wireless access is available for non-WVU individuals who have legitimate need for wireless connectivity while on campus, such as visiting parents, guest lecturers and vendors.
Library Workstations
There are over 300 public computers available within the WVU Libraries system:
Downtown Campus Library
- 42 desktops
- 30 classroom desktops (Room 136) - open when a class is not in session
- 36 laptops
- 25 desktops (located on the Lower Level and 1st floor)
- 20 laptops
Evansdale Library
- 12 desktops
- 30 classroom desktops (G16) - open when a class is not in session
- 20 laptops
- 3 desktops (located on the 2nd floor)
- 8 laptops
Health Sciences Library - managed by the HSC ITS
- 32 desktops
- 74 classroom desktops (HSC 2911, 2912, & 2913)
Library Laptops
- Available at the Access Services Desks in the Downtown Campus and Evansdale Libraries
- Most laptops are In-building use only:
- Downtown Campus Library: 1 day checkout; due at close
- Evansdale Library: 8 hour checkout
- There are a limited number of MacBooks and Dell laptops available for 14-day loans at the Downtown and Evansdale Libraries.
- Because of the limited supply, users may only check out the 14-day laptops twice per semester
- Overdue fine: $5.00 per day
- Power cords/adapters, ethernet cables, and headphones are also available.
Loans, Limits, & Fines
Guidelines for Laptop Use
Software on Library Computers and Laptops
These lists include the software on computers and laptops at the Downtown Campus and Evansdale Libraries. For a list of software on the computers at the Health Science Library, please contact the Learning Center at 304-293-3631.
Personal Laptops, Tablets, and Mobile Devices
For users with their own laptops, the University Libraries have many "open access" ethernet ports designed to allow access to the internet. Each laptop must be configured to obtain an IP address dynamically (DHCP) to connect.
Additionally, the campus Wi-Fi network is available to use throughout the library facilities.
Other Equipment
We also have a variety of multimedia equipment available. Please take a look at the video cameras, tripods, audio recorders, and other equipment on our Multimedia page.
A CCTV magnifier is available on the 4th floor of the Downtown Campus Library. For more information about assistive technology, please see our Accessibility page.