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Bulletin Board Procedure

1.      Purpose and Scope

1.1.   Purpose.  The WVU Libraries is continuing in its role as a hub of student activity by placing public bulletin boards in each of the Libraries.  This document outlines guidelines for posting and maintenance of these bulletin boards.

1.2.   Scope. Downtown Campus Library and Evansdale Library:  Ground floor by the stairwell.

2.      Policy

2.1.   Posting and Maintenance.

2.1.1.      The WVU Libraries will place no restrictions other than size on posts. Offensive posts will be removed without notice but there will be no formal policy. A proper appearance of the bulletin board will be maintained at the Libraries' discretion. 

2.1.2.      Libraries' staff will remove all posts from each board on the last Friday of each month.

2.2.   Violation or non-compliance with this policy will be addressed in accordance with established WVU disciplinary policies, procedures and enforcement authorities. Failure to comply with this or other related standards may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or studies.

November 2019