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Guidelines for Laptop Use

1.      Guidelines

1.1.   Laptops are available for checkout from the Downtown and Evansdale Libraries to all WVU students, faculty and staff (Users).

1.2.   Users must present their WVU ID to check out a laptop.

1.3.   While a laptop is in a User’s possession, the User shall be responsible for it at all times. If the laptop is lost, stolen or damaged, the User shall be responsible for any repair or replacement costs. Users should not leave laptops unattended.

1.4.   Most library laptops are for in-library use only but there are a limited number at the Downtown and Evansdale libraries that can be borrowed for 14 days (no renewal). If the laptop is in-library use only, users should not remove the laptop from the library premises.  The fine for removing an in-library laptop from the library is $25.00

1.5.   Laptops loan period:

1.5.1.      Downtown Library: due by close of business on the day they are checked out

1.5.2.      Evansdale Library: due in 8 hours

1.6.   Laptops must be returned to the main Service Desk.

1.7.   If an in-library laptop is not returned to the main Service Desk by the time the Library closes, the User will be charged a replacement fee plus an overdue fine of $25.00 per day.  Users may prosecuted pursuant to applicable Federal, State and/or Local laws and/or WVU Policies.

1.8    Laptops on a 14-day loan will be charged $25.00 per day if not returned by the due date

1.9.   While on a laptop, Users should save all their work to a thumb drive, other storage area, or email documents to themselves. The WVU Libraries are not responsible for any material left on the laptop.


September 2021